Tagungen «Meet & Greet»

SAMW » Porträt » Kommissionen » Biomedizinische Bibliotheken » Tagungen «Meet & Greet»

Unter dem Titel «Meet & Greet» führt die Kommission «Biomedizinische Bibliotheken» jährlich einen Informations- und Vernetzungsanlass durch. Programm und Präsentationen stehen jeweils hier zur Verfügung.

Netzwerkanlass vom 27. August 2024, in Basel

Der Anlass bot Expertinnen und Experten für Systematic Reviews aus verschiedenen Institutionen die Möglichkeit, Erfahrungen auszutauschen und voneinander zu lernen. Nach kurzen Inputreferaten wurde im Rahmen eines «World Café» über verschiedene Aspekte von Systematic Reviews Services diskutiert.




Daniela Maurer, Hospital Library, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital

Services for systematic reviews by hospital libraries: a case report from Lucerne Cantonal Hospital


Nicolas Roth, Regulatory Toxicology Expert and Consultant

Recruiting Librarian Experts as Peer-Reviewers: Opportunities, Benefits and Challenges from a Journal Editor Perspective



«Meet & Greet» vom 5. September 2023, in Bern

Die Tagung hat unter dem Titel «State of Open Access Affairs» stattgefunden und «open research» in klinischen Studien und öffentlicher Gesundheit in den Fokus gestellt. Die aktuelle und künftige Form von Open Access wurde aus verschiedenen Perspektiven – Bibliotheken, Autorinnen und Autoren und Verlagen – beleuchtet. 




Tobias Philipp, Open Access Strategy Coordinator, Swiss National Science Foundation

cOAlition S at SNSF


Géraldine Clément-Stoneham, Head of Knowledge Management and Scholarly Communication, Medical Research Council, United Kingdom

Open research for clinical trials and public health interventions


Dr. Alice Keller, Director, University Library Basel

State of the art open access in Switzerland: the point of view of a university library


Floriane Muller, Research Support Librarian, Medical Library University of Geneva

Open access in a medical university library: expectations versus reality


Peter Kraker, Founder and Chairman, Open Knowledge Maps

Open Knowledge Maps


Alexia Trombert, Subject Librarian, Medical Library Lausanne

Jérôme Zbinden, Software development, Bibliometrics, Medical Library Lausanne

An emerging concern in the systematic review process – identifying articles published in predatory journals


Open access workflows from the authors’ perspective



Springer Nature


Wolters Kluwer



«Meet & Greet» vom 3. September 2020, virtuell

Im Jahr 2020 hat das «Meet&Greet» zum ersten Mal online stattgefunden. Unter dem Titel «Data literacy: needs and competences» diskutierten Referentinnen, Referenten und Teilnehmende die Instrumente und Fähigkeiten, die für den Aufbau von Datenkompetenz in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken nötig sind. Die Präsentationen, im PDF-Format und die meisten auch als Video, finden Sie weiter unten.




Lydie Echernier, DiSTIC/DIS, University of Geneva

DLCM project: Lessons learned from the implementation of research data management services in Switzerland

Dr. Nuria Plattner, Dr. Michael Horn, Science library, University of Bern

Building a digital toolbox for scientific data handling

Dr. Leo Betschart, Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center, ETH Zurich

Record keeping in the digital age. Are you ready?

Gerhard Bissels, University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons

Towards a distance learning course in Medical Librarianship


André Hoffmann, Main Library University of Zurich & OpenAIRE National Open Access (Help)Desk

PractisingOpen Science: OpenAIRE'sPerspective

«Meet&Greet» 2019, in Basel

Ausnahmweise fusionierte das Meet&Greet 2019 mit dem Workshop der European Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL), der vom 17. bis 20. Juni 2019 in Basel stattfand. Die Kommission der Biomedizinischen Bibliotheken wirkte als lokales Organisationskomitee für die Veranstaltung, die 330 Teilnehmer/-innen aus ganz Europa begrüsste. Das detaillierte Programm des Workshops und die Liste der Poster befinden sich auf der Website des EAHIL-Workshops 2019.



«Meet & Greet» vom 27. August 2018, in Bern



Prof. Konrad Förstner, Prof. Ursula Georgy, Prof. Achim Osswald,
TH Köln und ZB MED, Köln, Germany

Keynote lecture: Qualifying medical librarians for current and future challenges


Prof. Sissel Guttormsen, Institute of Medical Education, UniBE

Learning with the support of digital tools


Annegret Borchard, Cochrane Switzerland and Institute of Social
and Preventive Medicine, UniLA

Cochrane Crowd


Teresa Lee, International Agency for Research on Cancer,
IARC/WHO, Lyon, France

Workshop: Negotiating licenses for electronic resources


Tom Roper, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Library
and Knowledge Service, Brighton, United Kingdom

Workshop: Introduction to clinical librarianship


Maria-Inti Metzendorf, Cochrane Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders Group,
Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, Germany

Workshop: Searching for and classifying non-randomized-studies (keine Präsentation)


Dr. Oliver Obst, Zweigsbibliothek Medizin, WWU Münster, Germany

Workshop: Library services from freshmen to interns



«Meet & Greet» vom 31. August 2017, in Bern



Prof. Matthias Egger, Swiss National Science Foundation and
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, UniBE

Keynote lecture: Open Science and Open Data


Dominic Tate, Edinburgh University Library, Scotland

Research Data Management in Medical Contexts


Prof. Patrick Ruch, Information Sciences Department,
University of Applied Sciences HEG, Geneva

Data and Text Mining


Dr. Michel Counotte, Dr. Phi Hung Nguyen,
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, UniBE

Living Systematic Reviews – from Theory to Implementation


Jolanda Elmers, Cécile Jaques
Medical University Library, UniLA

Workshop: Mine and Combine – Text Mining Tools Used for Search Term Identification



«Meet & Greet» vom 9. September 2016, in Bern



Erik von Elm, Co-Director Cochrane Switzerland
Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et preventive (IUMSP)
CHUV, Lausanne / Switzerland

Swiss national license for the Cochrane Library


Alicia F. Gomez-Sanchez, Madrid (presenting); Mar Gonzalez-Cantalejo, Zaragoza; Gaetan Kerdelhue, Rouen; Pablo Iriarte, Lausanne; and Rebeca Isabel-Gomez, Sevilla

Evaluating the information retrieval quality and methodological accuracy of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis on congenital malformations (2004–2014)


Christian Fuhrer, Hauptbibliothek (Main Library),
Head Open Access, University of Zurich

Open Access and Open Science in Europe and Switzerland: things are moving


Gerd Antes, Cochrane Germany,
University Medical Center Freiburg

Information specialists: indispensable partners in modern research projects


Betsy Anagnostelis, Librarian, Royal Free Hospital Medical Library, London

Developing specialist skills: a training and mentoring scheme for new professional staff joining the Royal Free Hospital Medical Library, UCL Library Services, London


Rudolf Mumenthaler, HTW Chur

Do medical librarians need a specialist degree programme?



«Meet & Greet» vom 10. September 2015, in Basel

Gabi Schneider, Wissenschaftliche Bibliothekarin UB Basel und Swissuniversities

Scientific information: access, processing and safeguarding


Pierre-Yves Burgi, Eliane Blumer, Système d'information, Université de Genève

Data Life-Cycle Management


Workshop «Social media for researchers» by Guus van den Brekel, Central Medical Library, University Medical Center Groningen

Keeping up to date & (Social Media) Tools for Researchers

Comparing Journal Apps
Album «Basel Workshop»


Dieuwke Brand, Medical Information Officer at Wolters Kluwer, The Netherlands

Medline and Embase – characteristics, search strategies, and advanced search options