Based on the analysis of the White Paper Clinical Research published by the SAMS in July 2021, the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) has recognized the need to strengthen the institutional dialogue between the public actors of clinical research, including the perspective of public health. It has mandated the SAMS to set up and manage a national coordination platform for clinical research (CPCR) for the ERI period 2021–2024.
The mission of the CPCR is to help define concerted priority action areas for publicly funded clinical research, aligned on the vision laid out in the white paper, and to formulate recommendations to the attention of decision-making bodies or of the SERI. The CPCR will not be a supervisory authority nor a regulatory instance. Composed in its build-up phase of a small number of members so as to ensure an efficient functioning, its structure, organization, and the necessary resources will be reexamined in view of the ERI period 2025–2028, so as to best serve the needs of clinical research stakeholders.
The CPCR has started its activities in December 2021. The FAQ gives further information on its aims and positioning.
SERI mandate «National coordination platform for clinical research» (2021) (in German)
FAQ Coordination Platform Clinical Research (CPCR)
Composition of the CPCR
Prof. Henri Bounameaux, Satigny, SAMS (Chair)
Prof. Claudio Bassetti, Bern, swissuniversities – universities
Christine Bienvenu, Romanel-sur-Morges, patient partner
Prof. Lauren Clack, Zurich, early career researcher
Dr. Christine Currat, Lausanne, Swiss Biobanking Platform
Prof. Mirjam Christ-Crain, Basel, Swiss National Science Foundation
Prof. Urs Frey, Basel, Swiss Personalized Health Network
Prof. Andreas Gerber-Grote, Winterthur, swissuniversities – universities of applied sciences
Prof. Christiane Pauli-Magnus, Basel, Swiss Clinical Trial Organisation
Prof. Arnaud Perrier, Genève, unimedsuisse
Prof. Miklos Pless, Winterthur, Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research
Prof. Nicole Probst-Hensch, Basel, Swiss School of Public Health
Dr. Nicole Schaad, Bern, Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (guest)
Dr. Myriam Tapernoux, Bern, SAMS (ex officio)
Dr. Salome von Greyerz, Bern, Federal Office of Public Health (guest)
Prof. Christian Wolfrum, Zürich, ETH-Domain
Jennifer Woods, Basel, deputy patient partner