

The SAMS has updated its mission statement

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At its meeting on June 13, the Senate approved an updated version of the SAMS Charter. The one-page document summarizes the Academy's guiding principles, objectives and missions. The SAMS is not reinventing itself, but refining its self-perception in a constantly changing environment.

Based on several months of strategic reflection, the document last revised in 2009 has undergone a number of changes. The first part now focuses on the principles of independence, transparency and inclusiveness. The second part details the three missions pursued by the Academy: 1. Medicine and society, 2. Medicine as a science and a practical discipline 3. The SAMS as a member of the scientific community. The Senate welcomed this initiative and approved the update.

Mission statement, French version (PDF)

About SAMS



The SAMS will have a new President in January 2025

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At its meeting on June 13, the Senate elected Prof. Arnaud Perrier as the new President of the SAMS. Prof. Perrier will succeed Prof. Henri Bounameaux, who is extending his mandate until December 31, 2024. A member of the Senate since 2018, Prof. Perrier is well acquainted with the SAMS, having served on the Executive Committee between 2013 and 2016 and participated in the work of several commissions.

Trained as an internist, Prof. Perrier spent most of his career at Geneva University Hospitals (HUG), where he headed the general internal medicine department. During this time, he has been an active clinician and clinical researcher, and has been involved in the reform of medical studies. He is currently Medical Director of the HUG until the end of the year. Visit our website for the current composition of our Executive Board.

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The SAMS guidelines in use: questions about assessment of capacity

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The medical-ethical guidelines provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance on ethically challenging situations in everyday clinical practice. In the journal «Primary and Hospital Care», the SAMS guidelines are illustrated with concrete practical examples. The last article of the series deals with assessment of capacity. It is now available on our website in French and in German.

Medical-ethical guidelines need to be put to the test in practice. In this context, not only one's own experiences are important, but also those of professional colleagues. For this reason, «Primary and Hospital Care» has published a series of case studies since 2018 in which various SAMS guidelines are applied in practice. Previous topics have included for example palliative care, coercive measures in medicine and the medical care of people with dementia. The last contribution deals with assessment of capacity. It can be downloaded here, in French and in German. Previous articles are available on our website.

Download, French version (PDF)

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RNA technologies: mechanisms of action and applications

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Ribonucleic acids (RNA) play an essential role in all cells of all organisms. The Covid-19 pandemic brought RNAs in the form of mRNA vaccines into the spotlight: less than a year after the outbreak of the pandemic, mRNA-based vaccines against Sars-CoV-2 were available in most western countries. A report published by the Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences (SCNAT) describes these and other RNA-based technologies.

The aim of the report is to provide a technical and scientific overview of the various currently relevant RNA technologies. It provides information on the mechanisms of action of the various RNA-based approaches, their fields of application and their development status. The report is intended to help assess and discuss the benefits, risks and limitations of the various RNA technologies and their products. It is also intended to support the legal categorisation of RNA products.

Report (PDF)

Further information



Register now: Network event of the Biomedical Libraries

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The «Biomedical Libraries» Commission, hosted by the SAMS, is holding a network event. This year’s «Exchange between Systematic Reviews experts» will take place on Tuesday, 27 August 2024 in Basel. Participation is free of charge, registrations are requested until 21 June 2024.

The event offers Systematic Reviews experts from the different institutions an opportunity to exchange experiences and learn from each other. After short input speeches, various aspects of systematic reviews services will be discussed in a «World Café». The event will be held in English. More information can be found in the program.

Program (PDF)




Statement in favour of a Federal Health Act

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At the beginning of June, the Swiss people will vote on two initiatives concerning costs in our health care system. Regardless of the outcome of the vote, a number of major issues will remain unsolved: an ageing population, staff shortages, the electronic patient record, etc. On the basis of a scientific analysis, the SAMS is now proposing a new article in the Constitution and a Federal Health Act in order to find long-term solutions and enable effective governance of the healthcare system.

Health must be understood as a holistic concept in the sense of «One Health», at the interface between humans, animals and the environment. This requires endeavours towards «Health in all Policies». In its statement, the SAMS therefore supports the idea of a Federal Health Act and also proposes that health should be enshrined in the Constitution. You will find a concrete proposal for this new article in our statement (pdf). Further documents and background information are available on our website.

Statement, French version (PDF)

Further information



SPHN: Continuity despite change in DCC leadership

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After 5 years as Director of the SPHN Data Coordination Center (DCC) and Group Leader of the SIB Personalized Health Informatics Group, Katrin Crameri will join the Swiss Confederation to take up a new position from 1 June 2024. Among other things, she will co-lead the DigiSanté program to promote the digital transformation in the healthcare sector. Thomas Geiger, Managing Director of SPHN, will assume ad interim the responsibility for the DCC’s activities.

In her new position, Katrin Crameri is also taking on a bridging role: there are many overlaps and potential synergies between the SPHN-DCC and DigiSanté, and relations with the FOPH's Digital Transformation department can be further strengthened. Thanks to Thomas Geiger, Managing Director of SPHN since 2021, continuity has also been ensured within SPHN. His comprehensive knowledge and his good relations with the DCC team and network partners will ensure a smooth transition. More information can be found on the SPHN website.

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SPHN and PHRT invite for the «Data for Health» symposium

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The Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) and ETH-Domain Personalized Health and Related Technologies (PHRT) initiatives jointly organize the «Data for Health» symposium. The all-day event will take place on 31 October 2024 in Bern and aims to present the results of the two initiatives and to shape a vision of the future data ecosystem for Swiss health research. Registration is now open.

Over the past eight years, the collaborative efforts of SPHN and PHRT have laid important groundwork for advancing personalized health research and care in Switzerland. The symposium will not only look back, but also forward. Special emphasis will be given to the interfaces with the DigiSanté program and the National Strategy for Open Research Data. Participants can look forward to keynotes by well-known personalities, including Prof. Martina Hirayama, State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation. More information is available on the SPHN website.

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