Application Form

SAMS » Funding » Young Talents in Clinical Research » Application

Main applicant


Current professional contact details

Professional contact details during the grant


Grant details

(number of months)
(in CHF, numbers only)

Further procedure

We kindly ask you to read the FAQ carefully before preparing your application. To complete the submission, please send the following documents compiled as a single pdf file to


  • Motivation letter of the applicant (max. 1.5 page) with:
    • Career plan
    • Description of the education in clinical research planned during the supported period (type of courses and expected degree).
    • If applicable, the reasons for requesting an extension of the eligibility window must be explained and documented.
  • CV of the applicant (max. 3 pages), including previous scientific activities, if applicable. Please indicate clearly (all dates must include month and year)
    • 1) the period of your undergraduate medical studies;
    • 2) the period of your MD thesis (if not completed yet, specify when this is planned), including the title of your thesis and the name of your thesis supervisor;
    • 3) the period of your postgraduate training.
    • If applicable, the list of your publications and other scientific output must be structured in the three aforementioned periods. NB: The period during which the work leading to the publication took place, not the date of publication, is relevant for proper attribution.


  • Project summary (max. 1 page) with background, aims, design and methods.


  • Detailed research plan, elaborated with the mentor (max. 6 pages including tables and figures, excluding bibliographic references. Min. font size 11, min. single line spacing), with:
    • Current state of research
    • Hypotheses
    • Aims
    • Relevance of the proposed research
    • Role of the applicant in the project
    • NB: For projects that are embedded in or closely related to a larger research project (for instance, the mentor's SNSF project), the relationship between the two projects must be described and the output expected from the YTCR grant described (e.g., a first-author paper).
    • Detailed methodology
    • Planned experiments
    • Milestones, pitfalls and timetable
    • NB: For Project Grants, the expected broadening and consolidation of the research skills acquired during the Beginner Grant period must be explicit.


  • Budget for Beginner Grant specifying:
    • The working time reserved for research (in percentage) during the grant period (in months)
    • The corresponding requested amount
    • Requested and available third-party funds (if applicable).
    • NB: The amount granted to cover the salary of the grantee for his or her research activities depends on the local salary range of the host institution and must include the employer's social security contributions. It needs to be clarified by the applicant before submitting the application.
    • Consumables, equipment, and fees for trainings, conferences, and publications cannot be covered by a YTCR Beginner Grant.


  • Budget for Project Grant specifying:
    • The detailed requested budget in annual instalments (1 instalment per grant year)
    • All requested and available third-party funds (if available)
    • The working time reserved for research during the grant period, covered by the host institution (percentage and corresponding salary).


  • Confirmation from the mentor guaranteeing, for the entire duration of the grant:
    • Personal supervision of the grantee
    • Integration into the research activities of the host institution
    • Access to the necessary infrastructure
    • Amount of financial support offered (consumables, etc.)
    • The mentor is expected to accompany the grantee until completion of the project and to provide a position or funding options for his or her next career steps.


  • Confirmation from the clinic director guaranteeing, for the entire duration of the grant:
    • That the requested research time will be freed up from clinical activities.
    • For Project Grants, the corresponding salary must be covered by the host institution and guaranteed in writing.


  • Max. 2 reference letters (optional), on paper with official letterhead and signature


  • Copies of all relevant diplomas
    • If the medical degree was obtained outside of Switzerland, a copy of the medical diploma(s) from the country of origin must be submitted too.
    • For Project Grants: only necessary for diplomas obtained since the application for the Beginner Grant.


  • If applicable, copy of ethics committee’s decision and other authorisations.


Incomplete submissions will not be considered.



Dr. Myriam Tapernoux
Head of Department
Tel. +41 31 306 92 76